Front Door

Magic Items information

Other Weapons of Choice Information

Other Weapons of Choice and Armor 2

More Weapons and Armor 3

More Weapons and Armor 4

More Weapons and Armor 5


Spells and Potions Information

Here you'll find a wide variety of magical staves.
We have several more that are not pictured here but are listed in the front of the shop. Please speak with either Shershah or myself for more detail on any of them.

Staff of Necromancing 200 QCs
This staff holds powers over life and death. Please use it wisely. Only Clerics will allowed to purchase this item.
Staff of the Undead 150 QCs
This staff holds the power to detect any Undead within 50 yards of the wielder.
Staff of Earth 100 QCs
This staff holds the power to command the very ground you walk upon.
Staff of Lightning 100 QCs
This staff holds the power to call storms bearing massive bolts of lighting.
Staff of Darkness 100 QCs
This staff holds the power to turn the brightest day to the darkest of night. A side ability is to allow the wielder to see in the most complete of darkness.
Staff of Light 100 QCs
This staff is the exact opposite of the Staff of Darkness. It holds the power to turn the darkest of nights into the brightest of days. A side ability of this staff is to keep the wielder from being blinded due to intense light.
Staff of Water 100 QCs
This staff holds the power to control any nearby water source. A side ability is that it can also keep the wielder in supply of clean water during long treks. The wielder's water skin will never run dry. And it can also keep the wielder dry during a rain storm.

There are several other staves not listed here. Please seek details from Shershah or Myself.