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Daggers, some Elven and others full sized. All for 30 QCs a piece.

Robin Hood daggers

Barbarian dagger done in bronze ~~~>
<~~ Barbarian done in silver
Terminator dagger
This I like to call the Tristan Special.
Due to the cut out sheath that accompanies this beautiful piece, the price is adjusted to 40 QCs.
Now on to the swords, the decorative ones will range between 20-30 QC's.
This Silver and Gold beauty will cost you 50 QCs.
The Terminator will go for 50 QCs as well.
And here we move onto the battle axes.
Due to the double bladed edges these will remain around the 75 QC range.
Bronze double bladed battle ax.
28 Inch double bladed battle ax.
38 Inch double bladed battle ax.
The Hero's battle ax.
Bracers with dagger sleeve 20 QCs
Plain bracers 10 QCs