Here are the Weapons of Choice and some Armors
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Other Weapons of Choice Information

Other Weapons of Choice and Armor 2

More Weapons and Armor 3

More Weapons and Armor 4

More Weapons and Armor 5


Spells and Potions Information

Welcome to the Weapons and Armor section. We hope you'll find what it is you seek below.
If you have any questions about any of the items, feel free to contact us by sending a missive.

  Each bow or crossbow purchased will be accompanied by a full quiver holding 25 arrows.
All arrows will be of the same make as those shown below.

You may also purchase more arrows in units of 25 for 15 QCs per unit.

We have the longbows, as well as the crossbows for those with shorter arms. Though all bows can be customized to fit any length of arm.

LongBow 40 QC's
We have several of these in stock, all with the same designs.