Spells and Potions
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Spells and Potions Information

Spell of Full Healing
This spell gives the wielder the ability to perform a full healing on thier target. 50 QCs
Potion of Healing
this potion does not need a magic practitioner to perform the light healing this potion is capable of. 25 QCs
Spell of Sleep
This spell has the ability to put the wielders target to sleep for up to, but not exceeding, six hours. 50 QCs
Potion of Sleep
This potion does not need a magic practitioner to put the recipient to sleep for up to, but not exceeding three hours. 25 QCs
Spell of Ever Wakfulness
This spell has the ability to send the wielders target into a parralell universe when sleeping, therfore the target is ever awake, in both worlds, for up to, but not exceeding two weeks. 50 QCs
Potion of Wakefulness
This potion does not require a magic practitioner to keep the recipient awake for up to, but not exceeding 12 hours. 25 QCs
Spell of Heavy Endurance
This spell has the ability to give the wielders target enough endurance to last up to, but not exceeding, one week without sleep. 50 QCs
Potion of Light Endurance
This potion does not require a magic practitioner to perform the act of allowing the recipient enough endurance to maintain heavy lifting or long distance running for up to, but not exceeding twelve hours. 25 QCs

Spell of Speed
This spell allows the wielder increased speed for up to, but not exceeding, six hours. 50 QCs

Potion of Quicken This potion does not require a magic practitioner to allow the recipient to run at an increased rate for up to, but not exceeding, thirty minutes. 25 QCs
Spell of Strength This spell allows the wielder increased strength for up to, but not exceeding, twelve hours. 50 QCs
Potion of Strength This potion does not require a magic practitioner to allow the recipient increased strength for up to, but not exceeding three hours.25 QCs
Spell of Stillness This spell allows the wielder to restrain another, or to be perfectly still themselves for up to, but not exceeding, twelve hours. 50 QCs
Potion of Restraint This potion does not require a magic practitioner to allow the recipient the ability to restrain another or allow them to be perfectly still for up to, but not exceeding, three hours. 25 QCs
Spell of Calming This spell allows the wielder to calm someone nearby or to calm themselves for up to, but not exceeding six hours. 50 QCs
Potion of Relaxing This potion does not require a magic practitioner to allow the recipient to relax themselves or another for up to, but not exceeding, two hours. 25 QCs
Spell of translation This spell allows the wielder to understand any other language spoken within a ten yard proximity, for up to, but not exceeding, six hours. 50 QCs
Potion of Speak-All This potion does not require a magic practitioner to allow the recipient to speak and understand any language spoken within a ten yard radius for up to, but not exceeding three hours. 25 QCs